Our Product

Mesadoko APP - Videogame

Logical Skills

Mesadoko is the ideal game for a player to develop their logical and problem-solving skills

Memory and Concentration

You shouldn’t guess to solve the board, but use your memorization skills to complete the board

Cognitive Benefits

Access the different cognitive benefits such as improved planning, spatial perception, focused attention, and visual scanning

Mesadoko APP

Coming soon to the
APP Store & Play Store

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Mesadoko APP


  • Learn Spanish
  • Learn Chemistry
  • Learn Economics
  • Learn Computing
  • Save Your Personal Records
  • Infinite Board Combinations
  • Detailed Clues
  • Pronunciation of words
  • Wheel of Fortune and Lives
  • APP Store iOS
  • Play Store Android
+ More
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Our Mission

Our mission is to help you learn while having fun.

Download on the APP Store
Download on the Play Store