Having fun is the best way to learn

Our Mission

Have fun while learning.
Knowledge is a tree.
Free for you, priceless for us

Have fun while learning.

We strongly believe in the positive effect that enjoyment and fun can have on an individual’s educational journey. Helping students of all ages experience the joy of learning is our ultimate goal.

Knowledge is a tree

Different than other subject-specific educational tools, we help individuals understand the fundamentals of each area of interest. We know before one can study the leaves; one should understand what the root is and how it works.

We hope to challenge individuals to broaden their vision of the world and view knowledge as a tree with branches for physics, social studies, biology, literature, language, psychology, mathematics, and more. Connected, each discipline becomes easier and more exciting to learn when one can correlate what is happening on their journey of continual learning.

Free for you, priceless for us

Coming from humble backgrounds, we deeply understand the value free education can bring families and individuals of all ages. There is a lot of information to be digested in today’s world and it is not always easily accessible. That is why it is our mission to bring you fun educational games, for free.