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Freddie Davis


An experienced Chief Executive Officer skilled in business development, budgeting, and operations management, Freddie is a serial entrepreneur bringing immense value through his insights and guidance. With Freddie’s help, we can bring free educational games to individuals of all ages so that regardless of background, everyone has an opportunity to have fun learning. Freddie and the Mesadoko team are committed to make fun learning free.

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Ricardo Mesa


Born in Colombia, South America as the youngest of eight siblings, Ricardo came to the United States in his early twenties seeking opportunity. Without any financial assets or grasp of the English language, Ricardo devoted himself to learning how to read, write and speak in English consistently. Teaching himself not only English, but other valuable trades such as carpentry and painting Ricardo has become a serial entrepreneur providing commercial and home improvement services. Ricardo credits his success to his joy of learning. Although Ricardo did not have the opportunity to attend university, he understood the value continual and enjoyable education could have on his life. Ricardo and the Mesadoko team are committed to sharing that joy of learning with the world.

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Emanuel Mesa


Emanuel is a first-generation college graduate double majored in International Business and Finance with a minor in Economics. As a freshman, Emanuel obtained a job as a tutor for the university. Tutoring various subjects from physics to economics and business computing, Emanuel discovered commonalities not only among the subjects he tutored but also in the techniques most effective for making learning enjoyable. Early in his tutoring career, Emanuel realized the issue for many tutees was a lack of joy for learning. Constantly anxious about the next test or assignment, tutees were actively blocking the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that stimulates the memory centers and promotes the release of acetylcholinem, which increases focused attention. In short, their negative attitude towards learning was the very thing holding them back from realizing their full academic potential. Emanuel and the Mesadoko team are committed to helping individuals of all ages reach their full academic potential.

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Mario Mesa


The older brother of Ricardo, Mario has a similar story regarding his Colombian origins and journey to the United States in search of opportunity. Also learning English, Mario worked various jobs and learned valuable trades. Everywhere Mario worked he brought an innovative approach. He helped improve the efficiencies of each of his employers in how he approached not only equipment ingenuity but also organizational culture. Throughout his career, Mario has found one of the greatest inhibitors of growth for a company can be a lack of innovative culture. Even deeper than that, given he often worked with non-college educated individuals, Mario encountered a lack of joy of learning among his colleagues. To help improve the organizational sentiment towards learning, Mario invented games to stimulate the minds of his peers and transform their attitudes towards their careers. Mario saw the applicability of his inventions to individuals of all ages and continues to seek ways to make learning enjoyable. Mario and the Mesadoko team are committed to transforming attitudes towards learning.